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Глифы Фей
ФреяДата: Суббота, 05/03/2016, 21:47 | Сообщение # 1

Группа: Администратор
Пол: Женщина
Сообщений: 3365
Глифы Фей

Глиф мудрости крови

Для обретения мудрости, для получения знаний, для работы с феями,чтобы открыть им проход в наш мир.


Blessed be the sacred boat of flesh in which I travel the roads of bone and stone that pass through the dark forests of forgetfulness.
Blessed be the ancient restlessness that drives the blood to rise in me from that ancient well of memory.
Blessed be my body and my blood, which form the temple of the ancestors and the vessel of the sacred blood of life.
I am one with the voices in my blood, for they carry the heritage of eternity.
I shall go forth into the night of the unknown, guided by the inner flame of the redeemed and without fear.
At the end of this journey, I shall give my essence to the eternal river of wisdom.
May it guide and guard me and may I remember.
May the hidden hosts keep my feet and my mind upon the path of wisdom that leads to the crossroads of peace and of power.

Читается трижды над глифом.

P.S.В принципе эти глифы со всем совместимы, с любыми другими магическими знаками, рунами, просто так как они все в основном кроме 1-2х круглой формы, то лучше в центр.Материал неплохой, хотя конечно автор воды многовато налил - The Tree of Enchantment; Ancient Wisdom and Magic Practices of the Faery Tradition , Orion Foxwood , там еще более детальная практика есть

Фрея Фригг

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ФреяДата: Суббота, 05/03/2016, 21:50 | Сообщение # 2

Группа: Администратор
Пол: Женщина
Сообщений: 3365
Глиф обращения к огню и изначальному богу



How is the unknown perceived by the known?
How does a minute, finite speck of dust embrace the vast and infinite stars?
Answer, I pray, oh timeless keys of vision, what is the language of the eternal?
Where is it that man and God meet as companions on a shared journey, as a meeting of cell and body?
How does a single teardrop commune with the ocean, and a planet with a star?
Is there a common tongue spoken by all things great and small, finite and infinite?
In my time of prayer and silence an answer comes to me on winds of wisdom that stream from the source.
It speaks to me of silence, presence, surrender, contentment, and essence.
For these are the secret codes in the spirit tongue, hidden at the heart of all things,
Shared through the longing of seekers,
Breathed through the hidden space that divides and unites in a pool of life with many ripples.
Oh Holy Fire that is my essence!
Oh burning bush that speaks for God!
Oh voice on the sacred mountain that hears my plea!
Your embrace is always giving.
Your love is the crystal stream that connects all of the islands of creation.
Your voice reaches out to me in times of seeking and says “I am in your breath, your blood, your body and the source of your seeking. I am a waterfall of light from the ocean of heaven. I am the ever-present, never-absent home you seek. All is well. You are well. Where you are, I am there. Know this, and your pain is healed. Know this, and joy and peace and love profound are the reward of your seeking, for this is holy fire that anoints lives within your hands. Become!”
Heavenward I look into the eye that never blinks and, in exaltation,
I exclaim … I am!

Фрея Фригг

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ФреяДата: Суббота, 05/03/2016, 21:52 | Сообщение # 3

Группа: Администратор
Пол: Женщина
Сообщений: 3365
Для защиты от магии,зла,болезней и несчастий:


Oh Holy Guardian that stands at the threshold of the elements, open wide for me the hidden ways of magic that dwell in the secret spaces between seen and unseen.
Guard me from the haunting shadows of fear that bind my hands and blind my eyes.
I beseech you; open the book of law that I may know the ways of balance and the laws of true will.
Guard me as a child against all foes and be my guide on the path to the Tree of Enchantment.

Фрея Фригг

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ФреяДата: Суббота, 05/03/2016, 21:53 | Сообщение # 4

Группа: Администратор
Пол: Женщина
Сообщений: 3365
Глиф для открытия врат фей

Для того чтобы пригласить фей в наш мир, чтобы увидеть их мир, чтобы обрести мудрость скрытую в их мире.


Poised at the threshold of shadows and substance, I peer into the ancient presence of a map forgotten and hidden in my flesh, hidden in a thorn-covered well.
A golden lock and a silver key in exchange for the cup of eternity is all that I may offer, but they are the most sacred tolls on the hidden road.
The fivefold rose blossoms of red and white, of tears and blood, prick the hands that pry.
May I drink the shadows from this holy well, whose waters rise from deep within me and who reveals a hidden light encased in stone?
Dare I peer into the ancient depths, into the eyes of a dreamer as old as time?
I can only offer a heart of innocence and the seeker's feet to tread this ancient stone stairway that leads downward, inward into the soul of the world.
I pray for the redemption and wisdom from that sacred well of enchantment that I may remember and tread once again upon the sacred land, spun by threads of fate and a golden cord of vision.
This first step, most profound, is my first step from the sleep of a thousand lives!

Фрея Фригг

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ФреяДата: Суббота, 05/03/2016, 21:54 | Сообщение # 5

Группа: Администратор
Пол: Женщина
Сообщений: 3365
Глиф для обращения к Фее судьбы

Фея судьба называется Ткачихой.



Oh Guardian of the hidden paths between shadow and light; where is the map that reveals the way of the wise?
What is fate, and the threads that bind it?
May I know and navigate the hidden pathways?
Is the map of life hidden, yet obvious in the embrace of land and sea, mountain and wind, mother and child?
My heart and spirit remember the threading ways of the pattern-maker, a mother's hand weaving infinite pattern in the soul of the Earth.
Hear me, shades of the dead who trod these ways with silent feet.
Hear me, oh dreaming ones of Eden.
Where is she who weaves the weft of time and the dancing threads of birth, death and re-birth?
Where is she, the hidden face of the third sister, whose hands turn the looms of Moon and Earth?
Oh, Mother of Fate, I pray let me pass between your spinning wheels.
Cleanse me of the threads of illusion to free my hands to grasp that golden cord that leads me to the ever-young Star-Prince, nested in the safety of your web, dreaming the vision of the world, and of my place in it.
Only then will my eyes be washed and my hands and feet unbound to walk the golden path to the stars.

Фрея Фригг

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ФреяДата: Суббота, 05/03/2016, 21:57 | Сообщение # 6

Группа: Администратор
Пол: Женщина
Сообщений: 3365
Глиф чтобы увидеть мир Фей во сне

Для сновидений, для того чтобы увидеть мир фей, для исцеления.



Into the depths of the soul of the world, I plunge my voice of longing.
Devoid of illusion and enraptured by the beauty of the living Eden, I call to the Star within the Stone.
I search for the answers to the sacred questions of longing, written in my nature when I was flung to Earth from the starry heaven.
Oh thou art the Child of Promise who lies dreaming on a blue ocean trapped in a pillar of silent stone!
Oh thou art the Prince of Light and life-giving flame of the People of Peace, may I peer into your face of enduring beauty!
How do I free you from your chamber?
Will I know the key to your door that dwells within my palms?
Will you enflame me with the stars of your eyes and your breath that frees?
I know that I am your vision, but I have forgotten the way.
Oh Dreamer in Land, heal my pain, anoint my eyes, awaken my spirit that I may be one with the healer of the world and walk in blessedness upon the sacred land.

Фрея Фригг

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ФреяДата: Суббота, 05/03/2016, 21:59 | Сообщение # 7

Группа: Администратор
Пол: Женщина
Сообщений: 3365
Глиф для получения ответов и мудрости

Для того чтобы узнать ответы на свои вопросы, чтобы обрести мудрость.



Oh Father of the Stars, I see your countless watchful and loving eyes each night as they peer down from the heavens.
You are the first begotten and beloved child of the Great Mother and you are the Father of the Universe, whose seeds of light are planted in all of the heavenly bodies.
Where there is light, you are present.
I pray that you will open in me that spark of your light that illuminates the inner spaces of my being that I may peer through the veil of form into the face of enduring truth and eternal peace.
May I be like unto a silver branch upon your holy and enchanted Tree.
May I bear the fruits of wisdom that shall feed the whole of the eternal family now and throughout timelessness.

Фрея Фригг

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ФреяДата: Суббота, 05/03/2016, 22:00 | Сообщение # 8

Группа: Администратор
Пол: Женщина
Сообщений: 3365
Глиф для обращения к Фее Земли

Фея земли называется Матерью, так как множество Фей подчиняются ей и происходят от нее,так же ее называются "той,которая дышит".



Oh Great Mother, you are the matriarch of matter and the empress of eternity.
I pray thee, look upon me, the face of your loving child, so small … so seeking … so true.
Oh Great Mother, you speak forth the words of creation, and utter forth universes in your time of brooding.
I pray that you might open your loving embrace to me, your seeker of the stars.
I am weary from climbing the holy tree in search of you.
Let my hunger be fed by the fruits of wisdom and my thirst be healed by the elixir of light.
I pray that you might reveal the spirit tongue that only the seers know.
Reveal the healing tones that only the bards know.
And, reveal the words of power that only the anointed ones know.
I stand upon the sacred stone, washed in blood and stars; and,
I feel your presence above me, beneath me, before me, behind me, to my left and to my right as I sit in the center of your Crossroads, speaking forth the name you gave to me when you lit the stars of the sky and set them on their holy course.
By the nine-fold tree and the threefold life,
By the throne of dominion and the stone of destiny,
I honor you, my Queen. All that is me is thee.
All that is me is but a dream within the dream within a dream.
And you are the great dreamer!

Фрея Фригг

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